Three ways to appreciate yourselves:

Here are three ways to appreciate yourselves:

1. Value yourself.

In the hustle bustle of life, we often lose ourselves.  We keep fulfilling the roles of a mother, daughter, wife, employee and so on. By the time, you come into senses, you would have already lost your prime time.  When asked about the happiest moment of your life, one of my students mentioned ‘the day my son was born.’ I was thinking to myself as didn’t want to hurt her tender feelings – How can that kind of day be the happiest for a woman? Probably, my student never thought beyond her motherly role.

We get lost in all the worldly characters that we miss out on ourselves.  It can be an odd feeling to show some self-love, as it is, more often than not, perceived as selfish or egotistical. Allow me to debunk a myth for you. Loving yourself isn’t selfish nor egotistical. If anything, it shows a high level of regard for your happiness and well-being. Once you understand this and start thinking about yourself, self-appreciation will come naturally. 

Time to rethink and upgrade!  Thy name is woman.


2.Save some time for yourself.

After a tiring day, I was lying on bed, binge watching my favourite show. I estimated what my family members were thinking but surely I wanted to have some time alone to myself.

Taking time to be alone doesn’t mean you must be lonely. It merely says you are focusing on yourself, the one who should mean the most to you in this world.

I love climbing mountains, and I love spending days in the wild, far away from the madding crowd, unable to check my emails, or even make a phone call. Acknowledging that the world can survive without you for several days is the first step in being able to detach and focus inward. That’s how I reload myself with new energy and motivation and learn to love me and life itself.


3. Reward yourself!

You won the first prize!

When you do something that you’re proud of, reward yourself.  Write it out and read about the accomplishments you should be celebrating when you feel dispirited.  The day I work the hardest, or the day I complete all the gym routine with full energy, or the day I indulge in deep cleaning, I hit off to the nearby pizzeria to have my favourite cheese pizza with the coolest soft drink.  Yes, that’s my treat!

When we’re feeling tired/low, we tend to underestimate ourselves and our abilities. We remember all our mistakes and failures more readily than our achievements. We feel like we’re not good enough to be appreciated. When you have something tangible to remind you of your worth, you’ll always feel appreciated.

Whatever you do, don’t stop trying new things, setting challenging goals, and feeling a sense of accomplishment as you achieve them. Surround yourself with positivity, whether it’s the people you hang out with or the music you listen to. Reassure your spirit with self-affirmations. Most importantly, keep on believing in yourself!


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