What is Business Meeting Etiquette?
In simple words, business meeting etiquette refers to the set of rules or behaviour which is expected in workplace during the meetings. It is important to do so in order to create a positive and productive atmosphere and to ensure that the meeting goes smoothly and its objectives are met.
But what are these Business meeting etiquettes??? Come, Let EDUFOLKS guide you on some basic Business Meeting etiquette.
Be on time
Always be punctual. Being on time for meetings shows maturity, professionalism and courtesy to the rest of the meeting attendees. Showing up on time shows that you value other people’s schedules and commitments.
Come prepared
Many a times meeting organizers send emails with a rundown of the agenda, especially if it’s a meeting with many people and several topics the organizer wants to discuss. Ensure that your ideas or suggestions regarding the topic are ready.
Dress Professionally
Dress codes play a vital role in Business meetings. Depending on the nature of your office, the appropriate attire may vary. Follow the dress code rules for such business meetings.
Active listening & participation
Meeting productivity relies on participants listening well to others and actively participating in discussions. You could practice active listening by nodding or paraphrasing what the other person is saying to show understanding, expressing your concern or asking specific, probing questions. Active listening helps you stay focused and offer more meaningful responses. Watch video
Avoid distractions
It’s easy to get restless during long meetings. Try to avoid tapping your pen or feet, making noises, fidgeting, etc.
No electronic items
Many people tend to keep their phones on the table during meetings, but this may become a distraction if it accidentally rings, vibrates or lights up. Turn off or silence your device, then put it away where it is no longer visible.
Be respectful
Don’t use humor with clients or people you don’t know well. Use polite language, avoid negative comments, and be open-minded.
Stay on schedule
Staying on topic is good business etiquette because it reduces time wasted on tangents. Business meetings sometimes go off the agenda, but it’s helpful to the facilitator if you stay on task and keep the meeting productive.
Following business meeting etiquette is key to creating a productive, respectful, and professional environment where ideas can flow freely, and objectives can be achieved efficiently.
By being punctual, prepared, and attentive, you contribute to the overall success of the meeting and leave a positive impression on colleagues and clients alike. So, next time when you step into a meeting room, keep these simple yet effective tips in mind to ensure a smooth and successful discussion.