Should I add fillers in my answers?
It is very normal to miss out the words or go blank while appearing for an interview/speaking session in IELTS. Here I advise my IELTS warriors to use fillers in their answers. Fillers give respite to irritating ummm sounds; adding unnecessary words like you know, like, actually, basically, probably must be avoided. Fillers are the words/phrases which fill the gap between words/sentences. They are fun to use and sometimes highlight the meaning, further add to the beauty. For fillers, you can connect to our channel by clicking the below link or subscribing our YouTube channel.
Remember to use the fillers beforehand, practice till you are comfortable using them. Use collocations while giving answers. Collocations refer to a combination of words in a language that happen very often and more frequently than would by chance. For examples sit down, grey hair, one of the companies, heavy rainfall, to core out