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Day 7 worksheet – Sequencing sentences2

Day 7 worksheet - Core English

Sequencing sentences (Jumbled Sentences)

Instructions: The sentences below are jumbled. Read the sentences (P, Q, R, S) and choose the correct sequence from the given options to form a coherent story.

Set 1 Sentences:

P. The movie was thrilling and kept everyone on the edge of their seats.

Q. Finally, they returned home, talking excitedly about their favorite scenes.

R. John and his friends decided to go to the cinema.

S. After the movie, they went to a nearby café for a quick snack.


a) R-P-S-Q
b) P-R-Q-S
c) R-S-P-Q
d) S-R-Q-P

Set 2 Sentences:

P. She carefully mixed the ingredients in a large bowl.

Q. Emma decided to bake a cake for her friend’s birthday.

R. After baking, she decorated the cake with colorful icing.

S. She preheated the oven and poured the batter into a cake pan.


a)      Q-P-S-R

b)      P-Q-S-R

c)      Q-S-P-R

d)     S-Q-R-P 

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Set 3 Sentences:

P. They quickly grabbed their bikes and started their journey.

Q. The sky was clear, and the weather was perfect for an adventure.

R. They rode through the park, enjoying the fresh air and sunshine.

S. Mark and Lisa decided to go for a bike ride on a sunny afternoon.


a) S-P-Q-R
b) S-Q-P-R
c) Q-S-P-R
d) P-Q-S-R 

Set 4 Sentences:

P. She used her new camera to capture stunning photos of the wildlife.

Q. Sarah decided to visit the national park to practice her photography skills.

R. She spent the whole day exploring the park and taking pictures.

S. She saw many beautiful birds and animals during her visit.


a)      Q-P-S-R

b)      P-Q-R-S

c)      Q-R-S-P

d)      S-Q-P-R


Answer Key:

Set 1 – The correct
sequence is: a) R-P-S-Q

  1. John and his friends decided to go to the cinema. (R)
  2. The movie was thrilling and kept everyone on the edge of their seats. (P)
  3. After the movie, they went to a nearby café for a quick snack. (S)
  4. Finally, they returned home, talking excitedly about their favorite scenes. (Q) 

Set 2 – The correct
sequence is: a) Q-P-S-R

  1. Emma decided to bake a cake for her friend’s birthday. (Q)
  2. She carefully mixed the ingredients in a large bowl. (P)
  3. She preheated the oven and poured the batter into a cake pan. (S)
  4. After baking, she decorated the cake with colorful icing. (R) 

Set 3 – The correct
sequence is: b) S-Q-P-R

  1. Mark and Lisa decided to go for a bike ride on a sunny afternoon. (S)
  2. The sky was clear, and the weather was perfect for an adventure. (Q)
  3. They quickly grabbed their bikes and started their journey. (P)
  4. They rode through the park, enjoying the fresh air and sunshine. (R) 

Set 4 – The correct sequence is: c) Q-R-S-P

  1. Sarah decided to visit the national park to practice her photography skills. (Q)
  2. She spent the whole day exploring the park and taking pictures. (R)
  3. She saw many beautiful birds and animals during her visit. (S)
  4. She used her new camera to capture stunning photos of the wildlife. (P)

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