I. Frame sentences with these phrases (subjects).
- Everybody _______________________________________________________________
- None of the workers ________________________________________________________
- The giant trees ____________________________________________________________
- The value of property _______________________________________________________
- My manager and her husband_________________________________________________
- One of my friends __________________________________________________________
- Either Sita or Johnny ________________________________________________________
- One penny ________________________________________________________________
- A bunch of bananas _________________________________________________________
- Venny and his colleague ______________________________________________________
II. Match the followings from the columns to frame complete and meaning sentences.
1. Do you think… | a. the delay in dispatching your order. |
2. As requested by Ms Smith, | b. the figures I quoted were accurate. |
3. In 1885… | c. the company had more than 5000 employees. |
4. Please accept our apologies for… | d. the payment has been received. |
5. According to your records, | e. you could check my hotel booking? |
6. If someone keeps looking out of the window when you’re talking, … | f. from receipt of your written order. |
7. I’m quite sure that… | g. they are probably not listening to what you are saying. |
8. I’d like to reconfirm… | h. we are pleased to announce that the order has been placed. |
9. In answer to your enquiry,… | i. my seat on flight T3089. |
10. The goods will be ready for shipment 3 to 4 weeks… | j. I investigated on the safety and security issues, raised by her, on the project. |
- Do you think you could check my hotel booking?
- In 1885, the company had more than 5000 employees.
- Please accept our apologies for the delay in dispatching your order.
- If someone keeps looking out of the window when you’re talking, they are probably not listening to what you are saying.
- I’m quite sure that the figures I quoted were accurate.
- In answer to your enquiry, we are pleased to announce that the order has been placed.
- The goods will be ready for shipment 3 to 4 weeks from receipt of your written order.
- I’d like to reconfirm my seat on flight T3089.
- As requested by Ms Smith, I investigated on the safety and security issues, raised by her, on the project.
- According to your records, the payment has been received.