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IELTS Preparation

IELTS Preparation


6 Days/Week

For those who want to crack IELTS examination to study abroad or for immigration.

Course Content
  • Orientation of all the Modules-reading, writing, speaking, listening
  • One-on-one daily speaking practice with cue cards
  • Special emphasis on writing and speaking techniques
  • Learning the Tricks and Tips in Reading and Listening Modules
  • Mock tests
Learning Outcome
The applicant will be able to appear for the test confidently after taking the test, aiming for higher Band Score.
English for IELTS

English for IELTS


5 Days/Week

For those who struggle with the English Language yet have to clear IELTS examination.

Course Content
  • Guidelines in writing essay, graph/letter
  • Daily one to one speaking with cue card
  • Grammar workbook-Lexical Resources, Cohesive Devices, Collocations
  • Practice Worksheets
Learning Outcome
The students will be able to appear for the IELTS examination without hesitating and fear.

        Enroll for the course

        Enroll for the course