I. Circle the joining/linking words/conjunctions in the following sentences.
- My pupil was absent yesterday because he was under the weather.
- The boys were playing football therefore they didn’t attend the lectures.
- I will go to Montreal or Quebec this weekend.
- We should drink water every day because it keeps us fit and hydrated.
- Henry doesn’t come from Mexico, nor he is from Brazil; he is from Peru.
- Although he worked hard on the project, he was tardy in submitting.
- She is working in a restaurant so that she can cover her expenses.
- The sun is quite strong today yet Dev will not wear sunscreen.
- We will never go to that restaurant as long as I live; they served rotten meat earlier.
- The girls played until it was night time.
- Whenever Joseph needs help, he asks his twin.
- I would rather read a book than watching a silly movie.
- I will go out with you if you promise not to smoke.
- Dave will not buy the expensive suit though he can afford it easily.
- Till Samantha moved to Miami, she was a happy person.
II. Complete the sentences.
- I don’t like broccoli however _____________________________________________________________.
- Because it is snowing, _____________________________________________________________________.
- Maya always studies hard for her examination as ______________________________________.
- Lesley works for an electronic store, hence______________________________________________.
- Toronto is a safe city and __________________________________________________________________.
I. Circle the joining/linking words/conjunctions in the following sentences.
- because
- therefore
- or
- because
- nor
- although
- so
- yet
- as long as
- until
- whenever
- rather
- if
- though
- till