Day 10 worksheet – Idiom Quiz

Day10 worksheet – Core English Worksheet: Idiom Quiz Tick the correct meaning of the underlined idiom.        1.        As you’re a friend of mine, I won’t charge you much in fact I’ll do it for nothing. a.       at some charge                       c.  at little charge b.      at low charge                          d.  at no […]

Day 4 worksheet – Subject Verb Agreement

Day 4 worksheet – Core English Subject Verb Agreement A. Choose the correct answer. 1. I want/wants a burrito. 2. She and I drive/drives home together after school. 3. Each of us eat/eats one cookie. 4. There is/are some dogs outside barking at a tree. 5. Our family members is/are ready for another road trip. […]

Day 3 worksheet – Sequencing Sentences1

Day 3 worksheet – Core English Sequencing Sentences The proper sequence would be… Question no 1 S1: Calcutta unlike other cities kept its trams. P : As a result, there is horrendous congestion. Q : It was going to be the first in South Asia. R : They run down the center of the road […]

Day 2 worksheet-Capital Letters

Day 2 worksheet – Core English  Adding Capital Letters Capital Letters: Capital letters are used with particular types of nouns, in certain positions in sentences.  You must always use capital letters for: The beginning of a sentence                         The first person personal pronoun- I Names […]

Day 1 Worksheet-Jumbled Words

Day 1 worksheet-Core English Jumbled Words Arrange the words in the correct order to form meaningful sentences. 1.      dog Rahul with his pet playing enjoys ___________________________________________________________ 2.      to the company goods Vietnam exports ____________________________________________________________ 3.      she interested that was in proposal  ____________________________________________________________ 4.      was performance impressed with quite his I ____________________________________________________________ 5.      the please not […]

Improving Your English Speaking Skills for IELTS Success

English is one of the most widely spoken languages in the world. It is the language of business, science, medicine, and communication, making it a critical tool for personal and professional success. As a result, it increases the demand for English speaking course online. One of the most common and essential ways to assess an […]